Angel and Estelle
5th of September, 2010
let's get back to the dawn.
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Angel and Estelle
5th of September, 2010
let's get back to the dawn.
There are such days in our lifes when you would better stayed at home and hided under the blanket, trying to make no one movement and no one excess breath. They are called like 'completely unlucky days', when the whole world are turned away from you. I believe, each and everyone of us has experienced a day like this at least once a life. Fortunately, you can feel if one your day are going to be like hell from the very morning, it's hard to explain, but when it's happen - you will get it without any hesitating. The bad thing is that you can do nothing to stop that shit. But as i said, you may try to stay at home, in your warm bed, hiding under the wrap and stop breathing, out of harm's way, Of course that's not the best way to try to save your own life because you could be crushed by the roof or your bed could be broken apart by the stupid random coincidence, so then you would hit the floor and broke all the vertebrae of the spine, or something else would happen for sure and get you into troubles, but still - it is much much much better to stay at your place than stick your nose out. Because if you're outdoors - the hell is getting worse.
My day was exactly like that and would definitely made my 'the worst days' list. I believe, going through today, i was packing all the Series of Unfortunate Events to one pocket and it's working to me in the most bad way as i could imagine. You know, that's like cross the minefield and treading all the mines. Literally, I was punched at the every step I made today, and i guess it's not the end for now. These troubles has no end ever, i'm sure!
First, mine favourite dress was irretrievably spoiled because i got under the shower and got completely fucking wet till the very skin. Second - I got a huge callus on my heel, became unable to walk and was forced to take off my shoes and go barefoot on the wet muddy pavement. And on the little things: was scared by the dogs, scattered the salt in the coffee shop, met the black cat... no, i am not superstitious, but all the stars in the sky are turned away from me! What the hell on Earth are going on to me today, could you tell me? I have never had a day worse than than this one! And i feel so pathetic and miserable, as never before. Well, California, I guess you are not the best host in the world and you are not able to take visitors as well as it should be. Or as it was in mine bright imagination.
So, i was going along the alley, wet till the very skin, limping, and have no umbrella with myself, when i saw HER. The best thing on Earth could ever happen to me at this moment - a bench! I gave her (yep, to this bench) a bright smile and took the place, trying to make some rest for my poor legs. There was no people around, so i turned on the music in earphones and closed my eyes, my chest heaves from deep and quite breathing and the light smile touched my lips. It was the best minute for whole this day, i swear, and nothing could spoil it.
Отредактировано Estelle (2012-08-16 01:48:27)
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